Teorema 012: Sketch plan, Alderton House, 1992, Glenn Murcutt

Sketch plan, Alderton House, 1992, Glenn Murcutt Glenn Murcutt has a private practice, designing mostly houses that are environmentally sensitive. His architecture expects buildings to respond to their climate and landscape. Awarded the Pritzker Prize in Architecture in 2002, Murcutt works alone, concentrating on small projects where he has greater control of the outcome.During a … Seguir leyendo

Teorema 011: Sketch page for the Baths of Agippa, and Hadrian’s Villa, Tivoli, Andrea Palladio

Andrea Palladio’s villas of the Veneto were based on harmonic proportions, symmetry, and theimages of classical temple fronts. This antique monumentalism was influenced by his visits to Rome and by the work of Giulio Romano around the environs of Vincenza. In developing his architecture, he adapted the use of proportional ground plans and utilized a … Seguir leyendo

Teorema 010: Process sketch, Galician Center for Contemporary Art, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Alvaro Siza.

Teorema 010: Process sketch, Galician Center for Contemporary Art, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Alvaro Siza. This sketch for the Centro Galego Arte Contemporanea (CGAC – Galician Centre for Contemporary Art) reflects Siza’s concern for the exterior massing and façade articulation of this building. He writes that the project represents a study of volumes, materials and … Seguir leyendo

Food for Thought: The Urban Forest of the Future: How to Turn Our Cities into Treetopias by Alan Simson

Food for Thought: The Urban Forest of the Future: How to Turn Our Cities into Treetopias by Alan Simson The 21st century is the urban century. It has been forecast that urban areas across the world will have expanded by more than 2.5 billion people by 2050. The scale and speed of urbanization has created … Seguir leyendo

Teorema 009: Drawing of an early concept of Arcosanti, April 1971, Paolo Soleri.

Teorema 009: Drawing of an early concept of Arcosanti, April 1971, Paolo Soleri sketchbook #7, page 333, Arcosanti Foundation, Mayer, Arizona, Paolo Soleri. An urban planning theoretician and visionary architect, Paolo Soleri is best known for his work on the Arcosanti, the prototype futurist city being constructed in Arizona. Based on the concept of ‘Arcology,’ … Seguir leyendo

Towards Cities

Towards Cities These days, more than ever, we see reality through the window. At home in lockdown, the windows have become our lenses to see both close-up and further away. We have other windows at home too: the window of our computer screen, the screen on our mobile phone, or the eyes of some of … Seguir leyendo

Teorema 008: Centro Direzionale, Florence, 1977, 29.7 _ 21cm, (detail) Blue ballpoint pen and black felt tip marker on glossy white paper, Aldo Rossi.

Teorema 008: Centro Direzionale, Florence, 1977, 29.7 _ 21cm, (detail) Blue ballpoint pen and black felt tip marker on glossy white paper, Aldo Rossi. Aldo Rossi left a tremendous amount of thought-provoking sketches representing his design process. These playful sketches were part of intense research and also served as a method to facilitate his imagination … Seguir leyendo

Teorema 007: Cenotaph, in the shape of a pyramid, 1780–1790, 39 _ 61.3cm, Ink and wash, Etienne-Louis Boullée

Teorema 007: Cenotaph, in the shape of a pyramid, 1780–1790, 39 _ 61.3cm, Ink and wash, Etienne-Louis Boullée With a similar penchant for drawing illusion as Piranesi, Etienne-Louis Boullée built little but as an educator, theoretician and illustrator, he was a dominant figure in neoclassical visionary/revolutionary architecture. Boullée’s father was the Parisian architect, Louis-Claude Boullée, … Seguir leyendo

Teorema 006: Section sketch, UCSF Mission Bay Campus Community Center, San Francisco, California, by Ricardo Legorreta, late 90’s

Teorema 006: Section sketch, UCSF Mission Bay Campus Community Center, San Francisco, California, by Ricardo Legorreta, late 90’s This concise image is a sketch for the University of California, San Francisco Mission Bay Campus Community Center. The building was created to bring the campus community together with a gymnasium, swimming pools, food services, auditorium, and … Seguir leyendo

Teorema 005: Preliminary design sketch, Church of the Light, by Tadao Ando, 1987

Teorema 005: Preliminary design sketch, Church of the Light, by Tadao Ando, 1987 This image displays preliminary sketches for the Church of the Light in Ibaraki, Osaka, Japan. It was designed in 1987–1988, and underwent construction during 1988 –1989. It consists of a rectangular volume sliced through at a fifteen-degree angle by a completely freestanding … Seguir leyendo