Teorema 009: Drawing of an early concept of Arcosanti, April 1971, Paolo Soleri.

Teorema 009: Drawing of an early concept of Arcosanti, April 1971, Paolo Soleri sketchbook #7, page 333, Arcosanti Foundation, Mayer, Arizona, Paolo Soleri. An urban planning theoretician and visionary architect, Paolo Soleri is best known for his work on the Arcosanti, the prototype futurist city being constructed in Arizona. Based on the concept of ‘Arcology,’ … Seguir leyendo

Towards Cities

Towards Cities These days, more than ever, we see reality through the window. At home in lockdown, the windows have become our lenses to see both close-up and further away. We have other windows at home too: the window of our computer screen, the screen on our mobile phone, or the eyes of some of … Seguir leyendo